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Church Choir Section Leaders Wanted.png


A Choir Section Leader is expected to provide leadership and support for the music ministry of the First Presbyterian Church of Hawley’s Chancel Choir. This will be accomplished by exhibiting vocal, musical, and professional leadership for volunteer singers in an assigned section by learning section parts in advance of rehearsals (aiming for note accuracy, secure intonation, and precise rhythm), by modeling good choral-vocal technique (e.g., posture, breathing, blend, controlled use of vibrato, diction, foreign language pronunciation, etc.), and by exhibiting professional decorum, a positive attitude, and a keen sense of personal responsibility and integrity.  Contact Matthew Rupcich at for more detailed information or to schedule an audition.


The position of Choir Section Leader is a contract position with compensation paid monthly via direct deposit and reported at year end on a 1099. For a Sunday commitment or a holiday (listed below) a Choir Section Leader will receive $80. This includes a rehearsal and worship service. If there are more than two services required for a particular Sunday or holiday, a Choir Section Leader would receive payment for two services.

A Choir Section Leader will be paid for two vacation days which will count as an excused absence during a calendar year but will not be paid for any additional excused or unexcused absences.

When a new Choir Section Leader is hired, a probationary period of two months will be in effect. After two months if the new relationship is deemed by the Choir Director to be working successfully, the new Choir Section Leader will receive a yearly contract.

Section Leaders have the opportunity to sing for weddings and funerals in the First Presbyterian Church of Hawley. A soloist shall be paid a minimum of $125 per event by the bridal couple or family of the deceased.

Key responsibilities

1. Regularly and punctually attend Sunday morning rehearsals (9 AM - 9:45 AM) and other special rehearsals as scheduled by the Choir Director.

2. Regularly and punctually attend worship services and rehearsals as scheduled, including special services (e.g., Advent, Christmas, Lent, Maundy Thursday, Easter, Pentecost, Ash Wednesday, Music Sunday, etc.), special events or concerts, or recording sessions.

3. Be available (if willing) to help the organist and Choir Director occasionally in running brief sectional rehearsals.

4. Sing solos (with or without the Chancel Choir) as directed by the Choir Director.

5. Demonstrate to choir members and all who listen a healthy, cooperative, and professional attitude of reverence, respect, dedication, enthusiasm, and fun.

6. Choir Section Leaders are not expected or required to subscribe to the doctrines of the Presbyterian Church USA; however, we ask that a show of respect and reverence for the sacredness of singing God's praises be shown.

7. Be charitable, respectful, and patient toward the Choir Director and singers of all shapes, sizes, and levels of ability.

8. Care for your voice and maintain high vocal standards and model this for other singers.


Two weeks advance notice of a planned absence (such as a vacation day) is required and will be considered an excused absence. A Choir Section Leader will be compensated for two excused absences for vacation per calendar year. The Choir Section Leader is asked to assist the Choir Director in finding a competent substitute when requested.

Excused absences should not exceed two times within a three-month period. If that number of excused absences is exceeded, the Choir Director will reserve the right to reconsider whether this is a conflict which cannot be resolved, in which case it will be the Choir Director’s prerogative to revise or end the agreement between the Choir Section Leader and the First Presbyterian Church of Hawley.

A pattern of unexcused absences could result in termination of the agreement. The Choir Director will be the arbiter of what constitutes a “legitimate purpose” for an unanticipated absence and the number of absences that will be excused.

Other Notes

The Choir Director reserves the right to re-audition a Choir Section Leader if deemed necessary.
Notice of termination of this Agreement by either party must be made at least four weeks in advance.  Contact Matthew Rupcich at for more detailed information or to schedule an audition.

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