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Sunday Services
All are welcome to join us in fellowship for worship on Sundays.
What You Can Expect
Here at First Presbyterian Church our Worship celebration begins at 10 AM. During services our Chancel Choir offers their voices of praise in both contemporary and traditional anthems. Holy communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Following worship, we gather for coffee and fellowship hour.
Ministries and Activities
During the week we offer many activities, such as Bible Study, Chancel Choir rehearsals, monthly book club meetings, and other fellowship events which you can find posted under the Events page or in our monthly newsletter. Please be sure to visit and "like" our Facebook page or sign up for our e-Newsletter for the most current events.
What to Expect at our Sunday Worship Service
When to Arrive
Worship Begins at 10:00 AM
Coffee & Fellowship Hour: 11:00 AM
Typical Service
Where to Park
There is a parking lot adjacent to the church.
Where to Enter
There is a handicap accessible entrance on the side of the building near the parking lot. When you enter the building the sanctuary is through the door to your right. You may also enter through the front doors.