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"A Time of Reflection"

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, March 1st, the season of Lent begins. Here at First Presbyterian Church we begin the season with our annual Ash Wednesday Communion Service preceded by a light supper of soups and bread starting at 6PM in Blough Hall. Lent is a time of reflection on who Jesus is in our lives and what it means to follow Jesus in our daily living. I hope you will take the time during this season to reflect on those questions.

To help us during this season of reflection, I hope you will join your sisters and brothers and participate in our Lenten Study based on Adam Hamilton’s new book:. Creed: What Christians Believe and Why. This six week study which starts on Sunday, March 5th following worship, explores the questions of Christian beliefs by looking The Apostles’ Creed. Many of you have appreciated the studies we have done using Adam Hamilton’s other books and I know you will enjoy and be challenged by this one as well.

As we begin this holy season, I find these words by Ann Weems both helpful and challenging:

Those of us who walk along this road do so reluctantly Lent is not our favorite time of year.

We’d rather be more active -

planning and scurrying around. All this is too contemplative to suit us.

Besides we don’t know what to do with piousness and prayer.

Perhaps we’re afraid to have time to think

for thoughts come unbidden.

Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future

knowing our past.

Give us courage,O God,

to hear your word

and to read our living into it.

Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven,

and give us the faith, to take up our lives and walk.

Grace, Peace, and Love,

Pastor Bill

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