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"What Are You Adding for Lent?"

Dear Friends.

This year the season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, March 6th and continues until Easter Sunday, April 21. Lent is a period of 40 days (not including Sundays) set aside by the Church as a time for reflection and renewal.

At First Presbyterian Church Lent will begin with our annual Ash Wednesday Communion Service preceded by a simple meal of homemade soup and bread starting at 6PM on Wednesday, March 6th. Many of you have commented that this is one of your favorite and most meaningful services of the year. We will again gather around tables in candlelight for a beautiful service of prayer, music, and reflection. This is always a wonderful way to begin the season of Lent.

During the Lenten Season many people give up something, like sweets, or certain TV shows, etc. Instead of giving something up, I would like to propose that we add something for Lent. What if we added to our schedule more time for God; more devotional time; more time to just be in quiet meditation and study? One thing you might consider adding to your schedule is participating in our Lenten Study.

This year, our Lenten Study will start on Sunday, March 10th. This six-week study, “Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple” is based on the book of the same title by Adam Hamilton and will use video and discussion as we follow Simon Peter’s journey as a disciple of Jesus. Books will be available for purchase, but not necessary for this study. The study will take place immediately after an abbreviated Coffee Hour and will continue during the Sundays in Lent. Come and join us!

I hope you will make every effort to participate in worship and the special Lenten activities in these weeks ahead. If you do, I think you will be better prepared for the joyous good news of Easter.

Grace, Peace, and Love,

Pastor Bill

Lord, who throughout these forty days for us did fast and pray;

teach us with you to mourn our sins and close by you to stay.

Abide with us till when this life of suffering shall be past,

an Easter of unending joy we may attain at last.

(Claudia F.I. Hernaman)

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