Visit Us
Sunday Services:
All are welcome to join us in fellowship for worship on Sundays.
What You Can Expect
Here at First Presbyterian Church our Worship celebration begins at 10 AM. After our brief children's message, the young people are excused for their Sunday School activities. During services our Chancel Choir offers their voices of praise in both contemporary and traditional anthems. Holy communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Following worship, we gather for our coffee and fellowship hour.
Ministries and Activities
During the week we offer many activities, such as Bible Study, Chancel Choir rehearsals, monthly book club meetings, and other fellowship events. Please be sure to visit and "like" our Facebook page or sign up for our e-Newsletter for the most current events.
Contact Us
Phone: 570-226-4835
Fax: 570-226-2275
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
815 Church Street
Hawley, PA 18428
Every Sunday:
Worship: 10am - 11am
Coffee Hour: 11am
First Sunday of Each Month:
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Be Informed
Subscribing will add you to our weekly e-newsletter and special announcements list.